Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week Two and a Test to Come

As the chill sets in the air and everyone in the Northwest starts to bundle their scarves a little tighter for their fervent holiday shopping I finished my second week at Le Cordon Bleu. Another wonderful week at school...well sort of. I gave myself a minor nick this past Thursday while practicing my cuts. This week it was the ciseler (or small dice) and émincer (thin slice, usually done with an onion) along with the julienne that we learned. All of which are a little tedious for my taste because they are all very small and thin:-p I was so afraid I would cut myself that I usually stopped cutting a good half inch away from the end of the veggie or onion!! I don't think it helped that Chef Luke told us a pretty disturbing story about a co-worker of his and an AWFUL mandolin accident! The idea of it still gives me that grossed out shiver feeling that runs down my spine...lets just say his co-worker's fingertips and the base of his palm were not too happy:-( Anyway, we also had a conversion quiz this past week that I was REALLY worried about, but, to my relief, it turned out to be not that bad!!

This coming week we have a knife cut test, all these cuts in half an hour!! AAAH!! I better get to practicing my knife skills!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!

1 comment:

sixth floor apartment said...

fun! i'm terrible w/slicing and dicing!

love the new blog layout :)